If we hear the word secret, the first thing that comes to our mind is a big problem that once it reveal, many people suffer and got affected from this situation, specially those people who have connected to you. Secret is the private issue of one individual. I don't think so all people experience it, although in my case I can say that I have a secret before but it's not just like in case of my friend that the topic of my story now.
We call her Ann, my dearest friend and the main character of this story. I really don't know in anybody if it is a big issue or maybe it need to be in secret even a while, cause in this generation perhaps the youth never care it anymore,n but in case of my friend she was really frightened about her situation, and I can say that her secret are not belonging to her very young age.
my friend Ann came to me and asking my help, then she revealed her secret to me and I promise her that no one else has knew it. I don't know what I feel that time, I ask her why she was afraid telling the whole story to her parents, she answered that she can't cause her parents trusted her a lot.
My friend Ann was pregnant and it was her secret, she told me that she never know where is the father of her baby, according to her the things happened was an accident only.But despite of all the hardship happened to her life she never give up unless she accept the baby of all her heart. And of course as her friend, i am very supportive at her, cause in her situation she needs it more than anything else.
I really don't know what's happening in the past two months, we never have any communication cause it was already a summer vacation and I decided to continue my study here in Manila. Until...I receive a news from my mother that Ann was already here in Manila, she leave our "Barangay" to get away from the malicious eyes of our neighborhood....

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